Comprehensive Development, Inc.


Comprehensive Development, Inc. (CDI), in collaboration with Manhattan Comprehensive Night and Day High School, provides youth ages 17 to 21 with academic and social service support so they can graduate and succeed as adults. CDI runs a number of programs designed to expose and connect students to careers in sustainability. This organization was awarded the 2011 Manhattan Community Scale Composting Grant by the Manhattan Borough President to design and build a solar powered compost tea brewer at Stuyvesant Square Park. Students from MCNDHS work as interns at the park with all of the compost projects. The park is open to the public, but the school is not. Probably best not to include open hours, as the unit is mobile and stored inside when not being charged by the sun.

#compostingsite #school

NYC Energy

Featuring climate smart energy choices and energy efficiency projects all across NYC! We were originally inspired to map energy in NYC by the Great Northeast Blackout of 2003, and published our first printed map on the topic in 2006. A continually evolving process, this new Open Green Map includes the best of the sites as of 2013. Want to help us add more to it?  Click Suggest a Site at the top!


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