One World Centre promotes global justice and equality through education by supporting schools and community groups in Angus, Dundee, Fife and Perth & Kinross to engage in Global Citizenship throug...
South East Integration Network (SEIN) is a member-led organisation made up of voluntary organisations and community groups. Our members work with local residents from all backgrounds, countries and c...
Climate Ready South East Scotland is the first climate risk and opportunity assessment for the Edinburgh and South East Scotland region. Address: Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation, High School Ya...
Imagine if is a community interest company on a mission to improve spaces that we experience in our daily lives.
We assembled our small design team from a need to imagine a more positive future and pi...
The Stove is an arts organisation with a national and international reputation in place-based practice. We are a values-led organisation founded on a central belief in the power of creativity and work...
NotAlone Empowerment Centre (NEC) are grassroot organisations that aim to develop and promote rights and responsibilities for the BAME community through ongoing capacity building, training mutual l...
We are a local community green space; we work with our learning community (by running outdoor learning, Forest School and outdoor play); we run gardening sessions and land maintenance; we offer free o...
GDA is a disabled people-led organisation (DPO) controlled by our 5500+ disabled members. Our vision is a world where disabled people participate fully and lead our own lives with our human rights uph...
Free Wheel North is an inclusive cycling charity, but it is also so much more. At our cycling centre at Glasgow Green, we enable thousands of people living with varying physical disabilities and other...
We are Scotland's first cafe making food with insects. Insects are high in protein and have a low carbon footprint. They require significantly fewer resources compared to traditional sources of p...
VAER is the ‘Centre for Collective Impact’ based in East Renfrewshire. Our vision in an East Renfrewshire where people can work together to shape their communities. This can only be achieved by valuin...
Our purpose is to inform, connect, engage and empower all communities in Lanarkshire to develop and implement local solutions to create low carbon resilient places. Address: 1 Powell Street, Douglas W...
Sustainability for us means meeting the social foundations of current and future generations while living responsibly within a healthy, natural environment. Our vision is to enable individuals, commun...
West Lothian Youth Action Project provides support to Children, young people and families throughout West Lothian. This can be through, individual or group support, education and training programmes, ...
The aims of the group are to involve the communities of Catrine in a common effort to support:
A: the advancement of education
B: the advancement of citizenship and community development.
C: develop...
Midlothian Wildflowers is committed to supporting the positive health and wellbeing of local communities through local engagement in environmental conservation, regeneration and the development of thr...
The 360 Centre is a community Vision for a Climate Change Centre of national significance on the site of the old Cockenzie power station. The 360 Vision captures suggestions and ideas on how we might ...
ArtWalk Fife is an artist led project walking the landscape to engage and stimulate creative thinking around our futures Address: The Courtyard, Bottomcraig , DD68RN Instagram: @artwalkfife...
Our Mission is to enable the people of Largo, Lundin Links, Woodside, New Gilston, Newburn and Drumeldrie to enhance community life by supporting and developing sustainable initiatives, communicating ...
ACAN is a grass roots organisation, encouraging, engaging and educating our community on the issues and possible solutions of climate change. We seek to mitigate the impact on the community and create...
The Scottish Fair Trade Forum is Scotland's Fair Trade Network. We work with Fair Trade campaigners and communities across Scotland to contribute to building a just, equitable and sustainable wor...
Community Energy Scotland provides independent and ongoing practical & technical support for community decarbonisation project development. We make it possible for member organisations to link up ...
INN brings together people from throughout Scotland (and further afield) who have an interest in working across generations. Address: 5 Anchorscross, Dunblane, FK15 9JP Web:
Interfaith Glasgow facilitates friendship-building, and cooperation between people from different religious and cultural backgrounds; tackles prejudice and equips people with the skills to engage frui...