Veggies, blueberries, pumpkins
Free Seed and Plant exchange
fruit and veggies
Veg, fruit
vegetables, fruit, berries, garry oak meadow species
Fresh vegetables, herbs, year round!
Community orchard recently developed in an unused green space by members of the community in collaboration with The Orchard Project.
Oranges, along with other citrus fruits, originated in the Southeast Himalayan foothills, spanning parts of India, Myanmar, and China. The word "orange" comes from the Sanskrit word "nāranga," referri...
Lemons have a fascinating history that dates back thousands of years, tracing their origins to northeastern India, northern Myanmar, and China. They are believed to be a hybrid, a cross between the bi...
位於詔安街260巷內,原為菸酒公賣局的廢棄宿舍,面積約為86坪。陳玟如里長自民國99年起,整合市府及社區資源,於100年先將其改建為「厝邊花園」。104年時,呼應柯文哲市長大力推動的「田園城市」政策,因此在工務局公園路燈工程管理處的指導協助下,再度進行修整,終於成為現今的「歡喜菜園」。 菜園採開放式管理,約20位社區熱心人士進行有機耕種,透過親自動手的方式來加強對社區土地的認同感。一般居民及行經的...
Westbrook Memorial Garden is a community garden and ecological green space in Crown Heights; home to a prolific pollinator garden and a honeybee hive that is looked after by a resident beekeeper. The ...
Chimacum’s Farm to School program includes school garden programs, local sourcing and scratch cooking by School Food Services, and High School Career and Technical Education (CTE) related to food and ...