Hadera Green Map


The Green Map Project in Hadera (2021–2023)

The Green Map Project in Hadera took place between 2021 and 2023, focusing on the core value of sustainability. The initiative promoted digital literacy, collaboration, and "glocalization" (a blend of global and local perspectives) through the Green Map program, empowering students to raise environmental awareness as active residents of their city.

The project was founded by Dr. Lea Atzmon, an educational technology integration advisor, and received dedicated support from Wendy Brawer, the CEO of the global Green Map organization. It was carried out in collaboration with the ICT Department of the Israeli Ministry of Education, initially led by Naomi Sharoni and later by Racheli Diamant, alongside the Education Department of Hadera Municipality, under the leadership of Sheli Harush (Head of Primary Education) and Shlomi Dahan (Head of the Education Department).

Project Highlights:

  • Participants: Fourth-grade students participated as part of their geography curriculum, focusing on the theme "My Community."
  • Activities: Students learned the symbols of the global Green Map system and mapped green sites within a 10-minute walking radius from their schools. Each student group selected a sustainable site (related to community, nature, or eco-friendly habits), documented it, and carried out improvement activities. Their work was then uploaded to the global Green Map platform, along with selected data layers.
  • Community Engagement: The project united all primary schools in Hadera around sustainability, creating a wave of activity throughout the city's education system. Teachers, parents, and local stakeholders got involved, including the mayor, who responded to students' appeals, offered support, and even attended a virtual conference. The project also attracted attention from a local newspaper and garnered cooperation from the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel, and the Foundation for the Promotion of Educational Initiatives.

Educational Impact:

As an ICT advisor, this project served as further proof of how integrating technology into teaching and learning can effectively instill 21st-century values like glocalization, responsibility, and activism, as described in this post and report.

The "butterfly effect" symbolizes the project's philosophy: a small change in the system's initial conditions can trigger a chain of events leading to significant, widespread impact over time.

Expanding Circles of Influence:

  • Within Schools: Each school held its own special activity day.
  • Local Community: Coverage in a local magazine engaged residents and stakeholders.
  • Citywide: A citywide celebration highlighted the students' work.
  • Municipal Level: The mayor allocated budgets to further develop three outstanding projects.
  • National and Global: Students’ contributions were shared on the international Green Map platform (Green-Map2).

Looking Ahead (2025):

We are currently exploring the possibility of continuing the project at HaShachar School, a newly established institution in Pardes-Hanna Karkur. The initiative would be led by the English coordinator and a group of outstanding students, with hopes that the butterfly's wings will continue to ripple positive change.

With love and deep appreciation to Wendy Brawer for her lifelong commitment to a global and humanitarian cause that continues to inspire.

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