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Outcomes shared by Green Mapmakers
1.專案價值 台灣荒野保護協會台北分會推廣綠色生活地圖多年,卻一直很難引起小朋友及青少年的興趣,一天問家中的孩子要怎麼樣才能讓地圖變得有趣,孩子說除非地圖變成電腦遊戲!很多人都喜歡玩電腦遊戲,尤其是小朋友更加喜歡,其中MINECRAFT電腦遊戲擁有3億銷量和1.5億月活躍使用者,打破俄羅斯方塊的紀錄並成為有史以來最暢銷的電腦遊戲。既然大家都愛玩,如果遊戲能和綠色生活地圖相互結合,是否能讓更多的人從...
◆專案價值 這個專案透過綠色生活地圖(Green Map)串聯社區景點、歷史文化與環境資源,提升居民對環境的認識與社區的歸屬感。它不僅記錄了當地的綠色景點與故事,還促進了社區合作,例如與永昌里社區發展協會合作,共同整理在地歷史與文化資訊,使這些珍貴的記憶得以傳承。此外,透過地圖的數位化,也能讓更多人輕鬆獲取這些資訊,進一步推動環境意識與可持續發展。 Project Value This proje...
Yongchunpi Wetland Ecological Park Real-life Puzzle Game 1.專案價值 台灣荒野保護協會台北分會推廣綠色生活地圖多年,但推廣志工人數卻日益短缺,平均一位志工的影響人數約200位/年。因此我們在思考,除了〝主動式〞的推廣方式,有沒有〝被動式〞的推廣手法可以運用?有一天,家中兩個孩子在沙發上玩手機,正要阻止他們遊玩時,我卻反被手機上的遊戲所吸引,...
這個畫聚行動源自於「生活種子」的概念。 綠色生活地圖上的169個icon就像不同的植物種子,散佈在我們的生活中。我們期待參與者透過參與獲得未來行動的啟發,並在過程中覺察自己關心的環境議題。這些遍佈的icon種子,透過挖掘、尋找和關注,有機會讓城市長成一片富有多樣化的人文森林。The 169 icons are like different plant seeds, scattered in our...
1.專案價值 樹梅坑溪,一條曾經滋養淡水竹圍的溪流,是這片土地的母親之河。從大屯山腳下潺潺流過山野,進入社區,最後匯入淡水河,她曾是兒時戲水的樂園,是農田灌溉的生命線,更是承載無數回憶的地方。然而,隨著都市發展,溪流的樣貌被改變,河道被水泥封閉,生態被忽視,這條母親之河逐漸成為人們口中的「大水溝」。本專案的目標是透過社區參與與綠色生活地圖的方法,重新喚起居民對這條「母親之河」的關注,讓更多人認識樹...
Wow! They removed the toxins after we mapped them
Paris is a city where the Green Map project did not 'gel' and there was no published edition, as far as we know. Then, we had a policy of one Green Map project per city to reduce confusion and rivalri...
Charting Forgotten Spaces: This particular project was in some ways an outlier for Green Map – set in a Catholic Church on a block of Harlem (East 129th Street) which the NY Times had designated as th...
Tororo Green Mapmakers made two maps, printed map and digital. The maps were made by youths and adults. The map has helped in raising environmental awareness to the people of Tororo which has resulted...
Green Map Project in Hadera (2021–2023) The
Green Map Project in Hadera took place between 2021 and 2023, focusing on the
core value of sustainability. The initiative promoted digital literacy,
Rain gardens are the first line of defence against toxins leaking into local watersheds. Gardens of marshy, native plants attract pollinators with their blooms and filter polluted runoff with their ro...
High school students help shine a light on various projects on this park-like island
Originally called the Green Apple Map, this New York City project was the the very first Green Map! About 25 editions have been created at either the citywide or neighborhood level. It has impacted th...
Our Connected! Green Maps raised awareness of the amenities inside major parks, along trails, and in surrounding neighborhoods, emphasizing the unique local assets, history, opportunities to learn and...
Example: In the early days of Green Map, there was an interested Kenyan that did not create a Green Map, but he helped us understand how much harder it would be to make maps where there were few resou...
Example: Since there have been Green Map projects on all the other continents, we really would like someone in Antarctica to create a map. Some years ago, a researcher heading there for a few months ...