All campaigns

Want to contribute a site suggestion to a Green Map project?

Scroll down and see if there is a Campaign for it. This quick survey can be used with any kind of device. Each time a new place is suggested, the Mapmaker is notified so they can review and publish this new data.

To add a story:

Use this survey to map where you think new bike stands should be located in Dunoon and Kirn. You can also use this survey to tell us about the condition of existing bike stands.

SCAPE Water Quality

Empowering students to monitor water quality.

We'd like to collect urban nature sounds that characterize Berlin's natural life. Please help us find interesting places for sound recording! Here are the places and sounds we collected so far on the Berlin Sound Map.

Add a TEN to the Map

Thermal Energy Networks are popping up all over. Add them to this map!

This map is to allow everyone to add their own coastal experiences, parks, sites of sustainability, etc. 

No disappearing into threads here! 

Uncover the delicious secrets of Kintyre's landscape! Join our Green Map Foraging Survey to discover and share the bounty of wild edibles our peninsula has to offer.

Beach Clean Survey

Join us in transforming Kintyre's coastline, one piece of litter at a time! Our Green Map Beach Clean Survey is your chance to make a visible difference to our beaches, seas, and marine life.

Kintyre Rainforest Alliance - Facebook

Kintyre's Temperate Rainforest : Discover and Protect Kintyre's Hidden Gem

Rain gardens help reduce stormwater overflow by absorbing and filtering rainwater. They helps create an absorbable surface in locations surrounded by impermeable pavement for example: streets, parking lots, and driveways. Without rain gardens, polluted water runoff can flood into storm drains and damage nearby creeks, rivers, and shorelines. 

This year Dunoon Goes POP is working with Dunoon Burgh Hall to make 150 bottles  of commemorative ‘Rhubob and Bryden’ soft drink syrup to help celebrate  150 years of Dunoon Burgh Hall.

Les sites liés à l'eau racontés par les élèves des Classes d'eau. 

An iconic street in Manhattan's East Village is growing into a cultural corridor. Arts and culture, foodways and gardens! Add your suggestions along or within a block of Avenue C, which is also known as Loisaida  Avenue. Una calle emblemática del East Village de Manhattan se está convirtiendo en un corredor cultural. ¡Arte y cultura, gastronomía y jardines! Agregue sus sugerencias a lo largo o dentro de una cuadra de Avenue C, que también se conoce como Loisaida Avenue.Share the map / Comparte el mapa

Good ideas for Dunoon

The Local Place Plan considers issues that will impact on the town and the people who live here including - how we move around the area, where we shop, how we look after green spaces, where the houses we need are built, access to services,  and how we need to adapt the design spaces and places to cope with our changing climate.

A map to promote community sustainability and environmental awareness in Liverpool and on the Wirral

Please help us build a map of Berlin’s used goods stores and flea markets! Contribute your favourite spots to make it easier for everyone to find sustainable shopping options across the city.

This is a survey for people taking part in Green Map training.

This is a survey for people taking part in Green Map training.

We are cataloging our natural and social assets. For health and resiliency. Thank you for helping! | Estamos a catalogar os nossos bens naturais e sociais. Para a saúde e a resiliência. Obrigado por ajudar!

Garlic Mustard

Notre association à but non lucratif cherche des bénévoles pour tenir à jour cette carte, en mode participatif. Il vous suffit de créer un compte sur et de nous informer par la suite que vous êtes prêt, à l'adresse 

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