一起玩綠活圖:荒野保護協會綠色生活地圖推廣講師課後速寫社團 - Drawing and Playing




The 169 icons are like different plant seeds, scattered in our lives. We hope that participants will be inspired for future actions and become aware of the environmental issues they care about in the process. Through digging, searching and paying attention to these scattered icon ‘seeds’, there is an opportunity for the city to grow into a diverse humanistic forest.




1. Project results 

After the Wilderness Conservancy’s Green Life Map Promotion Lecture Course, a group of promotion lecturers who love drawing held a year-long life sketching party. Once a month, they go to a different location, such as the historic Tamsui Priesthood, the ecologically rich Yilan Wujia Wetland, or the religious site in the alley, Yonghe’s Wuji Holy Temple. After the introduction by local people, everyone recorded the scene of the day together.

We also made 18 exchange picture books with different icons. Everyone brings back picture books with different themes every month and exchanges them, just like exchanging diaries, sharing each other's lives.



進一步地,我們邀請了幾位台灣的速寫畫家,帶領大家透過他們的藝術視角來記錄當下。我們也與城市速寫愛好者組成的Urban Sketcher Taipei合作,其中一次聚會與荒野保護協會的解說組合作,以都市綠境為主題,共同走讀台北市的青田街區。聚會後,未曾參與過生態解讀的畫友們回饋,這樣的過程讓他們開始用不同的眼光看待日常習以為常的街道。

2. What changes have occurred as a result?

The difference between life sketching and taking pictures is that the sketching process provides the purest time to be alone, allowing us to fully use our five senses to experience the current environment, including temperature, taste, sound, and the emotions in our hearts. This slow and in-depth process allows participants to have a deeper and closer emotional connection with their living environment.

After the party, the painters who had never participated in ecological interpretation reported that this process allowed them to look at the streets they take for granted every day in a different light.

3.Green Map使用速寫有什麼影響?


3. What is the impact of Green Map’s use of sketches?

Using sketching as a medium, we connect people across fields. Just like icons that are constantly being discovered, we hope to influence more people. We reserve a period of time to spend with the environment during the day, record life with simple pen and paper tools. It become a continuous cultural and environmental exploration action.

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