Green Map Icons

Welcome! Green Map Icons, version 3 are available for mapping and more - all to help you and your community thrive and become a healthier and more sustainable place! Now available under the Creative Commons rather than by copyright, you can use them according to the overview and licensing guidelines. This includes giving credit to Green Map, sharing alike and non commercial use on a variety of projects (with reciprocal support from income generating uses).

Co-designed since 1995, the Green Map Icons evolve with our understanding of sustainability. Our thanks to everyone who took part in the development of Green Map Icons, Version 3. This set of Green Map Icons includes 170 icons in 12 categories arranged in 3 genres. Generally, Green Map projects do not use all of the icons on a single map.

Some of the Green Map Icons have extra features. For example, the Culture Site icon can be a site (point), route (line) or area (polygon). See the initial set of Lines and Areas geography here.

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Produse bio
Produse bio
Magazine în care se vând produse bio,  produse ecologice sau organice. Pot fi magazine cu produse exclusiv bio sau cele care conțin parțial produse din această categorie. Contează intenția, metod...
Afacere Socială
Afacere Socială
A property, café, shop, residential complex, service or other business that is cooperatively managed and/or benefits society. Eco-villages, communal projects, copyright/cultural commons and even open ...
Magazin sau piață de reciclare
Magazin sau piață de reciclare
Place to sell and exchange reusable goods and antiques by barter, free or cash. May be a second-hand, thrift, charity shop or online resource. May be temporary or permanent.
Fermieri sau Piață locală
Fermieri sau Piață locală
Aici se vând produse cultivate local sau regional. Poate fi vorba de produse alimentare tradiționale sau organice, vândute dintr-o locație temporară sau permanentă. Traseul parcurs de la producție la ...
Produse Eco
Produse Eco
Produced in accordance with green standards. At this site, they may be sold alongside conventional products. Adding your criteria to your map can help educate and expand appreciation for these product...
Afacere Locală
Afacere Locală
An economic enterprise solely based within the community, not a national franchise or chain store. Locally owned and managed, but not necessarily a green business. Re-circulates money within the local...
Agricultură Eco sau Permacultură
Agricultură Eco sau Permacultură
Encompasses small-scale city farm to full-size rural farms that are organic, biodynamic or using other sustainable methods. Can be used to indicate organizations that make the link between urban commu...
Atelier de reparații
Atelier de reparații
Loc unde un tehnician cu experiență vă poate repara bicicleta, aparatul, computerul, pantofii etc., păstrând resursele în afara fluxului de deșeuri. Poate fi conștient de impactul deșeurilor, lipiciil...
Afacere Verde
Afacere Verde
Business or service that offers sustainable products and/or practices and includes resource conservation and environmental responsibility, corporate social responsibility (CSR), worker and community w...
Ecotourism Resource
Ecotourism Resource
Ecological and socially conscious tourism that promotes energy efficiency, water/waste conservation, awareness and local economic opportunities in urban and rural settings. Can include sites of all ki...
Products, materials or building elements exchange, second-hand market or store. Significant reused buildings, other examples of creative reuse and even online resources can be included.
Fair Trade
Fair Trade
A place that contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers without compromising natural resources. Fai...
Healthy Dining
Healthy Dining
The emphasis is on wholesome, healthful, fresh foods, made with local and/or organic ingredients. Vegetarian and vegan foods (no animal products whatsoever) are served. Meat and dairy products are fro...
Responsible Company
Responsible Company
Business with exemplary environmental and social responsibility standards and practices, and is a good neighbor. Ideally, their products are green, as well. May belong to a CSR (corporate social respo...
Rental or Share
Rental or Share
Place where you can rent or share items (such as a bicycle, vehicle, garden tools, outdoor activities or party-ware) rather than purchasing it. Membership may be necessary, or can be a casual ‘communi...
Organic or Local Food
Organic or Local Food
Local food that is grown very near to where it is consumed, so it has fewer 'food miles' that decrease freshness and increase ecological impacts associated with shipping long distances. Organi...
Drop-off site for materials that can be reprocessed or refilled. Includes businesses that buy, work with or sell products made from recycled materials, information resources, and good examples of recy...
Self Built House
Self Built House
May include earth-built homes of natural materials such as adobe or straw, or other locally-sourced materials. This homemade housing often reuses materials and building elements.
Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Site where greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone) are reduced, preferably using green technology. May be measured, offset, traded, etc. May include informati...
Green Technology
Green Technology
Renewable, alternative or other sustainable technology sites. May include clean technologies, zero emission, biomass and clean energy generation, new and appropriate technology sites. An eco-industria...
Green Building
Green Building
Practice of increasing the efficiency of buildings and their use of energy, water, and materials while reducing building impacts on health and the environment throughout the complete building life cyc...
Paper Reduction Site
Paper Reduction Site
Place that efficiently eliminates or carefully manages the use of paper through digital document sharing and archiving, double-sided printing, paper reuse and thorough recycling. This 'indoor'...
Solar Energy Site
Solar Energy Site
Place where you can see solar panels, passive solar examples and/or get information about this form of renewable energy. Includes buildings, organizations, training programs, solar energy shops and co...
Green Cleaning
Green Cleaning
Site or service that uses non-toxic products designed to work as well as typical commercial products, but that use renewable, less harmful, phosphate-free and biodegradable ingredients. Usually not te...
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