This is our new icon set designed to be used in our new projects.

Credit: CCLP


Coalfields Communities Landscape Partnership Project
Coalfields Communities Landscape Partnership Project
The icon refers to a CCLP project in East Ayrshire, Scotland
Understanding the Landscape - CCLP
Understanding the Landscape - CCLP
Theme 1 - Understanding the Landscape "Gi’e me a spark o’ nature’s fire; that’s a’ the learning I desire"– Robert Burns 1785 In order to celebrate our unique heritage, we need to understand our histor...
Visiting the Landscape - CCLP
Visiting the Landscape - CCLP
Theme 2 - Visiting the Landscape ‘O’ would some power the giftie gi’e us; to see ourselves as others see us’ – Robert Burns 1786 Providing opportunities to visit and spend time in the landscape is imp...
Accessing the Landscape - CCLP
Accessing the Landscape - CCLP
Theme 3 - Accessing the Landscape ‘The mosses, waters, slaps and stiles; that lie between us and oor hame’ – Robert Burns 1790 Due to historic mineral extraction in the centre of our area, communities...
Animating the Landscape - CCLP
Animating the Landscape - CCLP
Theme 4 - Animating the Landscape ‘the voice of nature loudly cried, and many a message from the skies, that something in us never dies’ – Robert Burns 1790 Bringing our cultural and historical herita...
Enhancing the Landscape - CCLP
Enhancing the Landscape - CCLP
Theme 5 - Enhancing the Landscape ‘I’m truly sorry man’s dominion, has broken nature’s social union’– Robert Burns 1785 Our landscape has been scared by open cast mining, most of which is under remedi...
Ploughing Up Our Past
Ploughing Up Our Past
This is our icon designed by our team.
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