Cooper Union New Academic Building


41 Cooper Square, the new academic building for The Cooper Union, aspires to manifest the character, culture and vibrancy of both the 150 year-old institution and of the city in which it was founded. The institution remains committed to Peter Cooper’s radically optimistic intention to provide an education “as free as water and air” and has subsequently grown to become a renowned intellectual and cultural center for the City of New York. 41 Cooper Square is dedicated to reflect the institution’s values and aspirations as a center for advanced and innovative education in Art, Architecture and Engineering. 41 Cooper Square is the first LEED-certified academic laboratory building in New York City. With a Platinum rating, the project's advanced green building earned 55 out of 69 possible points, which was awarded August 30, 2010. Credit Achievement: Sustainable Sites......................11/14 Water Efficiency..........................5/5 Energy and Atmosphere..........14/17 Materials and Resources.........6/13 Indoor Environmental Quality..14/15 Innovations in Design...........5/5 Total..............................................55 位于库伯广场41号的新库伯学院教学大楼,致力于同时展现这个拥有150年历史的学院以及此学院所在城市的个性,文化,和活力。此学院继续延承着创始人彼得·库伯关于提供“如水与空气般免费”的教育的信心计划,并已经逐渐成长为纽约市内极有声望的一座智慧与文化中心。库伯广场41号立志宣扬库伯学院的价值观,并成为一个为艺术,建筑,及工程学提供先进,创新教育的中心。 这座建筑同时也是纽约市第一座通过LEED(绿色能源与环境设计先锋奖)认证的教学实验楼。这个项目得了69分满分中的55分,于2010年8月30日获得了LEED白金评级。 评级得分明细: 可持续发展场所:11/14 用水效率:5/5 能源及环境14/17 材料及资源:6/13 室内空气质量:14/15 设计创新:5/5 总分:55

NYC Energy

Featuring climate smart energy choices and energy efficiency projects all across NYC! We were originally inspired to map energy in NYC by the Great Northeast Blackout of 2003, and published our first printed map on the topic in 2006. A continually evolving process, this new Open Green Map includes the best of the sites as of 2013. Want to help us add more to it?  Click Suggest a Site at the top!


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