Siempre Verde Community Garden


Siempre Verde Community Garden

The relatively new Lower East Side community garden, Siempre Verde, serves as a local space for community get togethers, including performances, yoga practice, community picnics, planting veggies and flowers and composting.

Siempre Verde (Ever Green) has beautiful murals, and sustainable living and educational resources. Community action reclaimed this urban space to strengthen resiliency, and with social justice in mind, the garden was established in Nov. 2012 with the help of 569 Acres and NYC Park’s GreenThumb program. In 2021, the garden is flourishing and it's a great place to quietly enjoy the singing of birds and rustling of leaves. 

Before it closed its doors, 596 Acres was helping neighbors organize to transform acres of vacant public land that are hidden in plain sight behind chain-link fences in New York City, especially in neighborhoods deprived of beneficial land uses. Their website still has great resources and replicable best practices.

#communitygarden #LowerEastSide #manhattan #SiempreVerde

Celebrating the whole of NYC at the Open Engagement festival, this mapping project utilized the famous NYC Panorama at Queens Museum, a giant 3-D map of the city. This workshop was created by Los Hibridos and Green Map NYC in spring 2014, and participants came from all over the world. We all enjoyed exploring the sites at the far ends of the city simply by walking around this "indoor helicopter tour of New York".

A historic and multi-cultural community, the Lower East Side is known for its resiliency, creativity and community spirit. Hard hit by the Pandemic of 2020, diverse participants from many backgrounds have come together to help meet urgent needs and plan for the future of this frontline community.


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