Green Map System


Green Map System promotes inclusive participation in sustainable community development around the world, using mapmaking as our medium. This organization created this Open Green Map platform, OGM2, with the GIS Collective!

Green Map System became an open source organization in 2018, opening up new ways to work together. In 2020, we created the Recovery Icons and added them to OGM2 as part of our efforts to contribute to community recovery. 

Some of the eco-smart things done in the office: recycling and use of recycled paper and materials; house plants for better air quality; reused furniture; efficient lighting (we purchase our electricity from wind power, too). Most the staff is vegetarian or vegan, and we all use public transport or bike to work. Green Map is a member of local and global networks that promote sustainability, too.

Green Map System supports local Green Mapmakers as they create perspective-changing community ‘portraits’ which act as comprehensive inventories for decision-making and as practical guides for residents and tourists. Mapmaking teams pair our adaptable tools and universal iconography with local knowledge and leadership to chart green living, ecological, social and cultural resources.

绿地图系统利用绘图作为媒介来促进世界各地可持续发展社区的包容性参与。此组织同时创造了开放式绿地图平台。 一些在办公室内推广的环保行动包括:所有纸张,玻璃,金属,塑料瓶,打印机墨盒,以及电子设备的回收;提升室内空气质量的室内绿植,再利用的家具,室内自行车停放处。办公室市内的灯光大多是可调式的,并且保持较低的光线,在冬天我们会拔掉冰箱插销并将需要冷藏的东西放在室外。我们通过风力来抵销耗费的电力。我们同时选择可回收或者森林管理委员会认证的纸张并尽可能的减少浪费。办公室的员工大多是素食主义者甚至严格素食主义者,并坚持使用公共交通或者骑车的方式来上班。绿地图同时也是当地及全球网络种宣传可持续发展的一员。 绿地图系统可以帮助各地绿地图绘制者创作出可改变观念的社区“肖像”,为决策提供全面的社区档案清单,并为居民及游客提供使用的导览。地图绘制团队将我们易用的工具,及全球通用的图标与他们的本地知识及领导层结合, 绘制出有绿色生活,生态,社会,及文化特性的资源。

Green Map NYC

Charting the ever-changing environment of New York City!

A historic and multi-cultural community, the Lower East Side is known for its resiliency, creativity and community spirit. Hard hit by the Pandemic of 2020, diverse participants from many backgrounds have come together to help meet urgent needs and plan for the future of this frontline community.


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