The Hawthorne Memorial Pool & Recreation Complex


This 10-acre property located on Wagaraw Road is Hawthorne's primary recreation complex. The property contains an outdoor swimming pool, tennis courts, Boro Bandshell, baseball/softball field, a passive recreation area, and in 2022 new children's playground.

A plaque by the pool reads: "Hawthorne Memorial Pool Erected by the Borough of Hawthorne, N.J. A Grateful Community Honors and Holds in Sacred Memory the Sons and Daughters of Hawthorne Who Served in Times of Ware and Peace."


The Hawthorne Green Team, a subcommittee of the Hawthorne Environmental Commission, was established in January 2009 to develop and implement sustainable projects for the community. Statement of Purpose The goals of the Green Map are: • develop a map of Hawthorne that provides safe walking or biking routes for residents; • promote awareness of the routes throughout the community; • encourage citizens to use the paths for exercise and for buying local goods and services; • create community awareness of traffic laws (i.e., yielding to pedestrians in walkways).


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