Hawthorne Boro Bandshell


In 2015, Borough Council and Mayor approved the bandshell as part of the restoration project at the Hawthorne Pool Complex. Passaic County Open Space funds was utilized as part of the construction costs of the band shell. The council has said that the band shell will not only be used for Hawthorne Day but for cultural events, movie nights for the pool and a summer concert series. In May 2015, a bond ordinance was adopted by the borough council for construction of a band shell in the amount of $315,000. Borough Manager Eric Maurer said $118,000 is coming from grant money and $34,750 will come from the municipal capital improvement fund. The borough will borrow $162,000 for the project. On July 27, 2015, a ground breaking ceremony was conducted for the new band shell at the pool complex. On June 19, 2016, the new band shell held its first concert, Joe Zisa and Friends. Below is a video highlighting the first concert. https://www.periscope.tv/BoroBandshell/1BRJjjlbyRWJw


The Hawthorne Green Team, a subcommittee of the Hawthorne Environmental Commission, was established in January 2009 to develop and implement sustainable projects for the community. Statement of Purpose The goals of the Green Map are: • develop a map of Hawthorne that provides safe walking or biking routes for residents; • promote awareness of the routes throughout the community; • encourage citizens to use the paths for exercise and for buying local goods and services; • create community awareness of traffic laws (i.e., yielding to pedestrians in walkways).


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