Hawthorne Farmers' Market


Hawthorne Farmers' Market is sponsored by the Hawthorne Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Borough of Hawthorne. The market is located at 345 Lafayette Avenue in the Louis Bay 2nd Library and Community Center parking lot. The farmers' market is from June to October every year from 9 am to 2 pm, rain or shine. The market has a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers, honey, WIC and Senior FMNP vouchers are accepted by some of the farmers. Special events are held at the Farmers' Market - Classaic Car Show in August and the Hawthorne Green Fair in September https://www.facebook.com/Hawthorne-Farmers-Market-195160677173011/


The Hawthorne Green Team, a subcommittee of the Hawthorne Environmental Commission, was established in January 2009 to develop and implement sustainable projects for the community. Statement of Purpose The goals of the Green Map are: • develop a map of Hawthorne that provides safe walking or biking routes for residents; • promote awareness of the routes throughout the community; • encourage citizens to use the paths for exercise and for buying local goods and services; • create community awareness of traffic laws (i.e., yielding to pedestrians in walkways).


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