4th St. Food Co-Op


A healthy mostly organic and local bulk dry goods/organic products shop. Anyone can shop here and the coop offer discounts to members (depends on amount of hours worked) seniors, low income, students, or even members of other co-ops. https://4thstreetfoodcoop.org/

History: 4th St Food Coop began in 1995 as a storefront food cooperative, replacing the Good Food Coop, which began in 1973 as a buying club and became a storefront food cooperative. We evolved into a mostly-organic health food store. We are presently run mostly by unpaid Working Members, some of whom volunteer extra time. We serve the community we live in. We are comprised of a large body of working members and non-working members, and we have a core structure of 9 working-groups responsible for coop administration and maintenance.

Parsons DESIS (Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability) Lab is a research laboratory created in 2009 at The New School in New York City. DESIS Lab works at the intersection of strategic and service design, management, and social theory, applying interdisciplinary expertise in problem setting and problem solving to sustainable practices and social innovation. Parsons DESIS Lab promotes funded research projects with local partners resulting in workshops, studios toolkits, exhibitions and publications that articulate the practice of social change through design-enable sustainable community initiatives.


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