Freegan Movement


(dumpster divers and scavengers). What do they do: Bring stuff to flea markets, Informal flea markets • Urban Foraging / Dumpster Diving – The practice of recovering useable items from dumpsters or street curbs that have been needlessly discarded. • Food Not Bombs – Food Not Bombs recovers food that would otherwise go to waste to serve warm meals on the street to anyone who wants it. • Squatting – Squatters find abandoned buildings and restore them into rent free housing and community centers with arts and educational programs for low-income communities. (contains blog) • Wild Foraging- find and harvest food and medicinal plants growing in their own communities. (pick from parks/gardens) "Wildman Steve Brill" Foraging events in NYC

Parsons DESIS (Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability) Lab is a research laboratory created in 2009 at The New School in New York City. DESIS Lab works at the intersection of strategic and service design, management, and social theory, applying interdisciplinary expertise in problem setting and problem solving to sustainable practices and social innovation. Parsons DESIS Lab promotes funded research projects with local partners resulting in workshops, studios toolkits, exhibitions and publications that articulate the practice of social change through design-enable sustainable community initiatives.


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