Swan Farm Community and Food Bank Garden


This garden donates directly to area Food Banks. One year over 1600 pounds were delivered. Since 2017 volunteers have been working hard to expand this effort and have recently erected a hoop house. Swan Farm Volunteers meet on Tuesdays and Fridays 10-12. 

Size: 6,000 sq. ft.

Gardening Style: Some raised beds for the Food Banks, and the rest are P patch beds. One hoop house. Irrigated site.

Growing: Veggies, greens, and winter storage crops.

Serving: Tri-Area Food Bank (Distribute Wednesday), Quilcene Food Bank (Distribute Wednesday) 

Supporters: Land owned by John Gunning.

Need:  Volunteers for prepping, planting, weeding and harvesting throughout the growing season..

Contact:  foodbankgrowers@gmail.com 


10632 Rhody Drive, Port Hadlock, WA

We're growing a healthy future as students learn how to plant, cook, and create food related businesses. http://www.jccwp.org

Food Bank Growers

FoodBankGrowers.org  is a network of those making our food system stronger in Jefferson County, WA. This map is dedicated specifically to the growers, gatherers, preservers, cooks, food bank workers, and innovators working to provide safe, nourishing food for our communities. 


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