Port Townsend Blue Heron Middle School


The orchard began in 2010 and now has 70 trees producing over 1500 pounds of fruit for students to eat fresh or go to the food bank when school isn't in session. To learn about individual tree types, their production, and their care go here: https://sites.google.com/site/blueheronschoolorchard/

GARDENS   Orchard Coordinator: Seth Rolland

  • Apples, Pears, Asian Pears, Figs, Plums
  • Learning Orchard (grow, taste, cultivate, mulch, prune, thin, pick, graft)
  • Students may wander the orchard at will and enjoy the fresh fruit or draw for art class.
  • Science classes use the orchard in their studies.
  • Orchard receives yearly maintenance by students spreading mulch on Martin Luther King day.

CULINARY  Port Townsend School Food Director: Shannon McMillihan

  • Shannon gathers fruit from the orchard to use in school lunches -- Fig bars and apple muffins are favorites.
  • One class dried apples for snacks.
  • Ripe fruit is used directly by Port Townsend Schools. Excess fruit is gleaned by the PT Gleaners and given to the Food Banks.

Funding and Support: Hermann's Bros, Sholds, Food Co-op, and individual donors

Would you like to help? Contact: PTGleaning@gmail.com

We're growing a healthy future as students learn how to plant, cook, and create food related businesses. http://www.jccwp.org

Food Bank Growers

FoodBankGrowers.org  is a network of those making our food system stronger in Jefferson County, WA. This map is dedicated specifically to the growers, gatherers, preservers, cooks, food bank workers, and innovators working to provide safe, nourishing food for our communities. 


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