Brian's Food Bank Garden


Before he passed away in 2019, Brian Glaspell cultivated this garden for many years, donating the majority of the produce to the PT Food Bank, usually about 5,000 lbs per year. His wife, Jeanie, was very happy to discover the Food Bank Growers organization and host the return of the garden's ability to provide for  the food bank.

This is a private garden which is operated by the Food Bank Growers. In 2021 it was cleared, mulched, planted out with winter squash to complement the recovered rhubarb, strawberries, and table grapes.

Size: 5000 sq. ft. of valley soil and well water for irrigation

Gardening Style: Irrigated row & block cropping + one table garden & table grape production along fence.

Growing: Winter squash to complement the recovered rhubarb, strawberries, and table grapes, as well as spaghetti squash, beets, green beans, many brassicas, blueberries, sweet potatoes, some tomatoes & peppers, asparagus, apples & pears. 

Serving: All East Jefferson County Food Banks. 

Supporters: Jeanie Glaspell, Steve Cade, Wild Rovers, Quimper Community Harvest Gleaners

Work Days: Thursday, 10 am to 1 pm

Contact: to volunteer.

We're growing a healthy future as students learn how to plant, cook, and create food related businesses.

Food Bank Growers  is a network of those making our food system stronger in Jefferson County, WA. This map is dedicated specifically to the growers, gatherers, preservers, cooks, food bank workers, and innovators working to provide safe, nourishing food for our communities. 


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