Lisa Second Hand Shop 🛍️


LISA is a store where you can obtain second-hand clothes and furniture. This shop provides qualitative second hand products, for very affordable prices. If you are buying a larger furniture, LISA will help you with the logistics. LISA works together with Caritas which is a socially oriented non-governmental organisation. 

📞Phone number: 02642 9 98 86 60

Monday - Thursday
Friday Saturday Sunday
🕰️10:00 - 16:45 🕰️10:00 - 13:45 🛑Closed 🛑Closed

 ➡️ For more information : Sozialkaufhaus LISA | Remagen (

GreenErasmus-RheinAhrCampus develops and exchanges green practices worldwide to raise environmental awareness among students and guide universities to eco-friendly alternatives. 


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