Parcul Natural Văcărești


Văcărești Natural Park has been established by the Governmental Decision no 349/2016. A natural park is “a protected area managed mostly for landscape conservation and recreation”. It corresponds to Category V of IUCN classification, namely “protected landscape”.

Văcărești Natural Park is the first urban natural park in Romania, only 5 km away from the city centre, being also the largest green space in Bucharest, covering 183 ha.

Văcărești Natural Park has its own administration body (according to the Contract no 3370/GLG/07.04.2017 signed with the Ministry of Environment) that manages the park in partnership with the City Hall and other institutions and organisations with strong experience in nature protection and conservation, research, ecotourism and education.

The mission of Văcărești Natural Park’s Administration is to:

Protect the biological diversity

Promote healthy recreation in the middle of the nature, and ecotourism

Develop, deliver and support education activities for nature observation and interpretation, and scientific research

Harta Verde România

Harta Verde România cuprinde toate resursele sustenabile specifice proiectului Green Map.

Harta Verde București

Asociaţia Harta Verde România is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation working to achieve a sustainable society through biodiversity conservation, promoting ecotourism, formal and non-formal education for nature for both young and adult people. Our vision is a world where people value the natural heritage in a sustainable manner. Our association has started to work on promoting the local biodiversity to the local communities in the city of Bistrița since 2010, and since 2012 we act as a partner in an adult education project called “Learning Natural Values in Europe” financed under the EU Grundtvig Learning Partnership programme. We are also custodians of three small natural reserves in the county of Bistrița-Năsăud .


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