Morning Glory Community Garden


We are a volunteer run community garden in the Bronx. We planted Rose Mallow, Zizia, Sea Oats, Blue Bells all in the new tree pit beds that we just built.

 We chose to put the native plants there because we think they will thrive in the soil conditions and because they will all bloom at different times. With these native plants, plus extra Iris bulbs, we think that the tree pits will be beautiful year round.

 Our goal is to have perennials in the treepits as well as in the flower pots outside the garden, so that when the neighbors pass through on the sidewalk in front of our garden, they are surrounded with plants year round.

Our garden members and volunteers will take care of the plants. Find out more at

Stuy Cove has been a unique urban garden for 20 years, but now it's being dispersed to the community to make way for the East Side Coastal Resilience plan.  It's Manhattan's only edible food forest, uses permaculture principles and it is almost all Native Plants. The many different kinds of plants will soon be replanted - this map will show you where. Stuyvesant Cove was started by knowledgeable volunteers to support wildlife and is now run by Solar One - it has provided sustenance for thousands of birds, millions of insects and some lucky human foragers.  Read more about it here - it's hard to imagine how many times this verdant place has surprised, delighted, educated, generated new understandings and engaged people. Share this map at - Add your site suggestions -

Created for a mapping workshop at the 2023 GreenThumb Grow Together in NYC. 


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