Grow Food Grow Dunoon


Grow Food Grow Dunoon is a project of Dunoon Community Development Trust. They are a group of people who came together because they wanted to grow their own food, not in a private allotment or garden, but as a team. The project runs courses in seed propagation, planting, composting and harvesting. They are also planning courses on natural bee-keeping, food preserving, tree planting and more.

Supported by the Grow Food Grow Dunoon project for two years, pupils at Kirn Primary School have learned about growing vegetables and have thoroughly enjoyed themselves when gardening. 

The school has now taken on the running of this site. Grow Food Grow Dunoon has a new site coming soon. Bigger gadren, longer beds, more produce, easier access and hopefully even more fun!

The project is always keen to welcome new volunteers. To find out more, contact Martin Gerrish ( or use the contact form on the website: 

This map is a collaboration between Dunoon Community Development Trust and the Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme. It features community-led growing initiatives in the Dunoon and Hunter's Quay areas that include a focus on food growing.  Some of the projects are well established and others are just getting started or are at the planning stages.


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