ESCAPE Afterschool care garden


ESCAPE is the East Cowal Afterschool Project serving Dunoon and surrounding areas. In 2023 the team set up a food growing area. Food is grown in raised beds and used in cooking activities as well as providing learning opportunities. Food has also been donated to the Hub Grub (Dunoon Food Bank).   

In 2024 the team plan to focus on growing more herbs and doing more cooking activities with garden produce to promote healthy eating. They are looking for volunteers to help with growing or cooking with kids, and would particularly like to  engage different generations. For more information contact Carroll:

This map is a collaboration between Dunoon Community Development Trust and the Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme. It features community-led growing initiatives in the Dunoon and Hunter's Quay areas that include a focus on food growing.  Some of the projects are well established and others are just getting started or are at the planning stages.


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