The North West Scotland Mammal Network


Aim: To build awareness, engagement and support for mammal monitoring and conservation across North West Scotland, in order to increase quantity and quality of biological records for the area, and strengthen UK-wide science-led conservation.

The objectives for which the Network is established includes, but is not limited to:

I. The provision of opportunities to inform and advance awareness of British mammals, and issues related to their status and conservation.

II. Encouraging and supporting increased mammal recording in North West Scotland to improve the number and quality of biodiversity records for the region.

III. Providing training opportunities related to the recording of British mammals.

IV. Raising funds through events, trainings and by accepting grants, donations and legacies in order to further the cause of mammal conservation.

V. Seeking to encourage and enable diverse participation in mammal recording community within North West Scotland through an inclusive approach and proactive outreach to new and under-represented audiences (young people, minority ethnic groups, people with additional requirements for inclusion etc).

VI. Providing a hub connecting organisations and projects within North West Scotland devoted to the conservation, recording and awareness-raising of the issues related to British mammals.

VII. Working in partnership with other appropriate organisations or individuals as appropriate to meet the objectives of the Network.

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The Highlands & Islands Climate Hub invites a membership of changemakers across Highland and the Northern Isles interested and supporting community led climate action across the region. Our Membership Directory and Member's Map shows our many members including where their specific interests are. Each listing will direct you to that Member's website or social media pages where you can find out more about them. If you would like to learn more from one of our Member's please get in touch with us at and we will be happy to introduce you. Not yet a member? You can join as your community organisation, associate member or as an individual on our website 


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