NYC - Wirral Connection: Fredrick Law Olmstead brought what he learned from Birkenhead Park to NYC. Wirral can capitalize now on Brooklyn Navy Yard, Governors Island, Highline and other post industrial landscapes we have adapted for social, economic and environmental regeneration.


(note: Birkenhead Park referenced on NYC Parks Department Website: Olmsted–Designed Parks : NYC Parks (

Observing and Absorbing on the Road

The urbanization Olmsted witnessed on the road, along with his interest in rural issues, informed his later work as a landscape architect. While touring Britain in 1850, Olmsted visited England's Birkenhead Park; it was a visit that proved influential in his eventual career path… Birkenhead Park–one of the first open spaces established by the British government–made such an impression on Olmsted that he submitted a piece in Andrew J. Downing's Horticulturalist about the park, which Downing published in the context of building public support for the concept of Central Park.

This is the map related to our project.


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