Charity shop whose proceeds benefit the Oxfam organisation, offering a wide variety of secondhand books. From fiction to non-fiction to vintage books, Oxfam bookshops are famous for their amazing find...
Located just to the north of Glasgow City Centre, on the banks of the historic Forth & Clyde Canal, the award-winning Lambhill Stables Café at the Canal is the heart of Lambhill Stables, & is ...
Located just a short trip to the North of Glasgow City Centre, The Courtyard Pantry & Café is a membership shop & café providing access to good quality food at a low cost for the Glasgow commu...
Roots, Fruits, & Flowers (used interchangeably with 'Roots & Fruits') is a local, long-established supermarket / deli / florist / café in Glasgow's West End. Since 1980, RFF has been serving G...
Roots, Fruits, & Flowers (used interchangeably with 'Roots & Fruits') is a local, long-established supermarket / deli / florist / café in Glasgow's West End. Since 1980, RFF has been serving G...
Dear Green (a reference to Glasgow, which is often referred to as the 'Dear Green Place' ['glas' means 'green' / 'grey-green' in Scottish Gaelic]) is a local coffee roasters who roast specialty coffee...
The Sustainable Development Goals in aciton on Governros Island; sustainable cities, eco justice organizations, good health and well being, life on land, climate action, life below water.
There are plants, vegetables that are grown by students from the New York Harbor School high This teaches students how to grow food and they are good life lessons. Life lessons that are being taught i...
The POP Shop's many green initiatives include a community rhubarb growing project, hosting growing workshops in collaboration with Grow Food Grow Dunoon, and a garden area growing flavour-giving ...
Potential site to build small units for small businesses / self employed
Potential site to build small units for small businesses / self employed
Vi tror på mennesker! På den innovationskraft, der bor i at samles i stærke og aktive fællesskaber. Vi giver flere mulighed for at påvirke eget liv og det samfund, de er en del af. Vi bringer flere st...
Located in South Glasgow in the Strathbungo area, Merry-Go-Round is a registered charity & social enterprise, supporting local families by offering.. - A charity shop, selling everything for babie...
Situated in Milngavie just outside of Glasgow city, Gavin's Mill is a social enterprise (supporting Gavin's Mill Community Project) offering a Fairtrade & zero-waste shop, as well as a vegetarian ...
Situated in Milngavie just outside of Glasgow city, Gavin's Mill is a social enterprise (supporting Gavin's Mill Community Project) offering a vegetarian café with vegan & gluten-free options, a F...
Located just to the North of Glasgow's City Centre, Hamiltonhill Allotments (allotment garden aka garden/plot communally shared amongst plotholders), the garden is one of 32 (at time of publish, for a...
HER HOLDER ALTID CYKLETAXIER med plads til mindst to passagerer Here is always a bike taxi with room for at least two passengers
Genbrugsmarked for både private og professionelle, fysisk butik og webshop. I samarbejde med nedrivere over hele landet samles gode materialer til genbrug. Dygtig og hjælpsom vejledning. Bæredygtighed...
Fristaden Christiania er et af Københavns mest besøgte turistattraktioner, og er et sted, som sætter lighed, frihed og fællesskab meget højt. Kom forbi og bliv grebet af stemningen.
God økologisk café og socialøkonomisk virksomhed, kvindelig ejer og daglig leder https://traktoerstedetvestamager.dk/
Hos Green Mind, på Købmagergade 59, kan du få repararet din elektronik eller købe brugt iPhones etc. Fokus er på den store miljøbelasting, som skal undgås eller nedsættes i elektronikbranchen. Butikk...
Grønne Kræfter på Saxogade 83, er et projekt der både arbejder med bæredygtighed og social udvikling på Vesterbro. Kig forbi for at høre nærmere, og snup en økologisk plante med hjem. Ellers undersøg ...
Hotel Ottilia og de andre hoteller i Brøchners lægger vægt på økologisk drift og på at skabe socialt liv med naboer og andre københavnere ved at invitere indenfor og give rabatter på brug af hotel, ba...