The Barclay Curle Complex is a famous Glasgow landmark situated between South Street and the River Clyde. It was built in early 1920’s and designed by Karl Bernhad and John Galt based on a famous Berl...
As a charity and social enterprise, Glasgow Wood's mission is for a more healthy and sustainable population and planet. Contact details: - Website: https://glasgowwood.org.uk/ - Email: ...
Community bike workshop that sells reconditioned bikes and spare parts, and provides bike repairs. Contact at: - Website: www.glasgowecotrust.org.uk/listing/category/deils-on-wheels - Facebook:&...
★荒野保護協會為依法設立之公益社會團體,是一個由尋常老百姓自發組成的環境保護團體。 ★自1995 年成立以來,以關懷台灣為出發點,放眼全世界,致力以全民參與的方式,透過自然教育、棲地保育與守護行動,推動台灣及全球荒野保護的工作,為我們及下一代締造美好的自然環境。 ★荒野保護協會成立以來,累積許多人的熱誠、善意與願力,大家齊力以自然教育、參與環境議題、保育自然棲地、社區生根、推動志工組織等方式,為...
一碼村 IMMA,隱身於於萬華南機場整建住宅二期的地下室,一處曾經破敗且被城市遺忘的 400 多坪實體空間,經歷 2 年的修復、營運與滾動,轉變為賦予人與物再生的地下基地,成為更多物品與人材的城市轉介中樞,更是社會性基礎設施的一種樣貌,支持著來到這裡的多元進駐社群與參與民眾產生良性的互助、互動、對話與共創出跨域方案。 從 2019 年開始,一碼村陪伴社區中的人們:有獨居長者來這一起煮飯,而不再孤獨...
Category Is Books is a Glasgow's local, independent, queer/LGBTQIA+ bookshop in the city's Southside. Everyone welcome (they're emphatic about that)! Founded & run by a couple, Category Is "hope[s...
A skate shop that cares, located in Glasgow City Centre's Garnethill area. More info via their... Website :Homepage - https://www.routeone.co.ukSustainability - https://www.routeone.co.uk/pages/s...
Located on Glasgow's Southside near Strathbungo Cross, Bawn is an 'Ethical Textile Atelier', offering textiles by the metre (or 1/2 metre!), haberdashery goods & supplies (including clothing patte...
Small & friendly indie coffee shop serving coffee, cakes, & toasties. Vegan options available.
All produce is sourced locally, supporting other small businesses, including locally-baked goods ...
Dear Green (a reference to Glasgow, which is often referred to as the 'Dear Green Place' ['glas' means 'green' / 'grey-green' in Scottish Gaelic]) is a local coffee roasters who roast specialty coffee...
Construire et gérer un dispositif évolutif favorisant le développement d’écosystèmes économiques locaux et durables dans la région meyrinoise. Il s’agit de créer unmodèle de développeme...
The Secret Garden Café is an independent cafe in the heart of Bute Park, with big environmental values. They are a Green Key accredited business. The café specialises in sourcing local, seasonal and o...
Re:Make Newport is Wales' first permanent community repair and reuse space. A volunteer led
community space committed to bringing you free repairs and low cost
loans of household items.
We ho...
CAT is an educational charity dedicated to researching and communicating positive solutions for environmental change. We speak to government and campaigners about policies that would help create a zer...
Here you can find a second hand shop that is run by AWO (Decentrally organized German welfare association based on personal memberships in its local chapters.) 🕰️Opening hours: Monday: 4:00 p.m. - 6...
Vi tror på mennesker! På den innovationskraft, der bor i at samles i stærke og aktive fællesskaber. Vi giver flere mulighed for at påvirke eget liv og det samfund, de er en del af. Vi bringer flere st...
Type of organisation: Chamber of Commerce Website: https://ccci.org.cy Country: Cyprus City: Nicosia Email address: chamber@ccci.org.cy
Type of organisation: Public Authority Website: http://www.regione.campania.it/regione Country: Italy City: Naples Email address: g.dipalo@ifelcampania.it
Type of organisation: Public Institution Website: http://www.pkm.gov.gr/ Country: Greece City: Republic of Macedonia Email address: E.Platsiouri@pkm.gov.gr
Type of organisation: Public Institution Website: https://www.regione.marche.it Country: Italy City: Ancona Email address: regione.marche.protocollogiunta@emarche.it
Type of organisation: Chamber of commerce Website : https://www.insuleur.org/index.php?Idi=1&ho=1 Country: Greece City: Chios Email address: insuleur.network@gmail.com