Kintyre Rainforest Alliance - Facebook Save Kintyre's Temperate Rainforest Survey - Discover and Protect Kintyre's Hidden Gem Reclaim Kintyre's Rainforest: Mapping Rhododendron Invasion Scottish rainf...
Halda de decantare de pe Valea Glodului (Valea Mare).
Mina și flotația Făget din Munții Rodnei.
Dovezi ale activităților miniere la Valea Mare (flotație) și pe Valea Blaznei (guri de mină, halde de steril, mina și flotația Făget).
Site of old coal mining pit head #coalminingpit
Site of Coal Pithead #coalminingpithead
Site of Coal Pithead #SiteofCoalPit
The pit was situated between Chamberlain Road and Austen Road and was know as “The Gin Pit”. It was about 42 feet (7m) deep and was named due to the windings at the pit head being powered by a horse ...
The pit in the vicinity of Milner Road is associated with a deep seam of ironstone known as “Garibaldi”. #ironstonepit
Site of Ironstone pit head #SiteofIronstonePit
Site of old pit head #siteofpit
Site of Mine pit-head #siteofminingpithead
Site of Ironstone Mine pithead #ironstoneminepit
Site of old mining pithead #pitheadmining
Cariera de argila a fabricii de caramida din B-dul Muncii nr. 1-15. Structurata in doua cariere mai mici:Colina I in vest si Colina II in est. #carieraCluj