FR: JumL est une agence indépendante spécialisée dans l’analyse des politiques de transitions écologiques et sociales. Sa raison d’être : contribuer à faire converger écologie et solidarités, à mieux ...
台灣第一座植物園 日治時期,日本人於1896年創建「台北苗圃」及母樹園,1921年正式更名為「台北植物園」,是台灣第一座植物園,1945年二次大戰結束後由林業試驗所接管。歷經百餘年歷史,佔地約8.2公頃的台北植物園,劃分成裸子植物、蕨類植物、植物分類園、民族植物、水生植物、荷花池…等各式主題展示區,收集植物種類超過2,000種,是台灣地區植物研究教學的重要場域。 台北植物園周邊區域曾是古台北湖的遺...
FR: Le groupe régional d’experts sur le climat en région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (GREC-SUD) a vocation à centraliser, transcrire et partager la connaissance scientifique sur le climat et...
Located on Sauchiehall Street in the heart of Glasgow City Centre in the Garnethill neighbourhood, CCA: Centre for Contemporary Arts is Glasgow’s hub for the arts, arts events, cultural organisations,...
Association qui a pour objectifs de susciter la réflexion, développer des outils pertinents et proposer des actions en vue d’une société utilisant les ressources naturelles de manière plus équitable e...
Construire et gérer un dispositif évolutif favorisant le développement d’écosystèmes économiques locaux et durables dans la région meyrinoise. Il s’agit de créer unmodèle de développeme...
L’éco-corner de Meyrin est une plate-forme publique d’information et de conseils gratuits en développement durable destinée aux citoyens(nes) et aux petites et moyennes entreprises qui offre des répon...
Department of Environmental Conservation recommends the shells be cleansed for up to 12 months
This new community garden was established in early 2024 on site of an old garden, established on derelict land once occupied by housing. Thisd garden includes raised beds (including wheelchair accessi...
Campbeltown Town Hall is a prominent civic building located in the heart of Campbeltown, a town on the Kintyre peninsula in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. Built in 1760-1762 and designed by John Bro...
The storm water recycling system needs to be finished, then this large garden can provide greater security to the surrounding neighborhood from heavy rain events. El Jardin is one of the only permeabl...
Governors Island is a migration zone for many different species of birds. This promotes environmental education, increases biodiversity, and helps the ecosystem regulate itself.
Governor's Island has many benefits, especially regarding nature and mental health. Governor's Island is calm and beautiful because it's isolated from Manhattan, with abundant ecosystem services...
This is a water feature here on the island that is a benefit to all on the island including people, students, and animals. People can refill their water bottles here or wash their hands after a long d...
The trail at Liggett terrace provides a serene environment to walk, read a book, meditate and unwind, listening to the sounds of nature. The two sustainability goals that are represented by the ...
This place is incredibly green and eco friendly for example there are a lot of local trash cans so that there is less garbage on the island. This spot has a lot of space for everyone. It is a relaxing...
This tall grassy hill with trees at the top is located southern end of island. At the top, there are about 3 red yard chairs facing the Manhattan buildings. It's a good site to see the skyline. This p...
This is a peaceful and calming place with scenic views of the harbor, surrounded by lots of plants, trees, and grass; making you feel zen and at peace. This grove is a diverse place with many differen...
This is a spectacular botanical garden, but its future might be uncertain due to development. Neighbor to the continually expanding NYU, the garden has already forestalled their advance. It would be g...
Asociația Harta Verde România este o organizație fără scop lucrativ, cu personalitate juridică, apolitică, înființată în baza Încheierii Civile nr. 1600/CC/2010 pronunțată de Judecătoria Bistrița în d...
CAT is an educational charity dedicated to researching and communicating positive solutions for environmental change. We speak to government and campaigners about policies that would help create a zer...
Project delivered by The Conservation Volunteers This project will provide an alternative approach to exercise by encouraging young people and teachers to take part in a programme of outdoor activitie...
Green Map System promotes inclusive participation in sustainable community development around the world, using mapmaking as our medium. This organization created this Open Green Map platform, OGM2, wi...