There are two farms here, which share an acre lot and grow thousands of pounds of food in farm-style rows, run weekly farm stands, and provide local families, restaurants and food pantries with fresh ...
It is the mission of Kirkcaldy Foodbank that nobody in the Kirkcaldy area goes hungry and that everybody shares what they have. Find out opening hours and locations here: Kirkcaldy Foodbank...
Unsold ambient food from local supermarket.
Free food for anyone in the community who needs it. My friend volunteers. It's run by the community. People can donate money and there's different things to do - buy food, clean the fridge, drop offs....
Loisaida Community Fridge
East Village Location: 602 E 9th St
Trinity Lower East Side Lutheran ParishThis parish has had a popular soup kitchen serving people in need for many years, and recently open...
East Village Community Fridge
Neighborhood: Location: 197 First Avenue at 12th Street, by Smac Notes: open 24/7 - we empty out very fast so all donations of healthy, unopened, uneaten food welcom...
Sixth Street Community Center Fridge
Neighborhood: Alphabet City
Location: 638 E 6th St between Aves B and CNotes: Open 11-4 during WeekdaysThis wonderful place has also supported between 100 and 400 ...
LES Community Fridge at Henry Street Playhouse/ Abroms Art CenterNeighborhood: Lower East Side
Location: 466 Grand Stinstagram.com/les_communityfridge Thanks to the good people at nycfridge.com&n...
Overthrow Community Fridge
Neighborhood: East Village
Location: 9 Bleecker Street near Bowery
This is a plant-based fridge! instagram.com/overthrowcommunityfridge "We will be having our first info se...
Chelsea Community Fridge & Cupboard
Neighborhood: Chelsea
Location: 55 West 15th Street (between 5th and 6th Avenue) instagram.com/thechelseafridgeThanks to the good people at nycfridge.com/ who h...
Growing lots of greens and fresh veggies for soup kitchens this season, the Soil Start farm is based at Earth Matter, so it has great compost-rich soil! Yes, there are chickens! More to come, and hope...