There are two farms here, which share an acre lot and grow thousands of pounds of food in farm-style rows, run weekly farm stands, and provide local families, restaurants and food pantries with fresh ...
One of many Metro Stations along 14th Street, this is the newest and it has an elevator! The MTA offers one of the fastest and convenient systems in the US. The L train crosses 14th Street and goes ac...
This Village street will become even more village-like in late 2021, as it will soon become a permanent open street, where cars are guests and slow down for people. Check out a 2019 plan for more det...
Though small, this park is usually not crowded and full of blossoms, making it a pleasure to chill out in. Fountains, concerts, picnic tables etc. but no sports facilities.
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A great place for active distancing, Pier 36 offers riverside refreshment and space to walk, run and bike. Access Pier 36 from Rutgers or Montgomery Street at the East River. Bonus - the south side co...
14 blocks of public space, ideal for distancing on foot, by bicycle, skateboard, etc. Running from Houston Street to the East River, it's all contiguous (except the block just north of Delancey). Ever...