Veggies, blueberries, pumpkins
Free Seed and Plant exchange
fruit and veggies
Veg, fruit
vegetables, fruit, berries, garry oak meadow species
Fresh vegetables, herbs, year round!
Packaged Pretzels, Snack Items, and gold.
市場原在三元街,四十三年成立。因位在崁頂地區的核心,因此人來人往。在特殊傳統節日時,更是人聲鼎沸、水泄不通。由於需求日增,因此攤位漸漸往汀州路延伸擴展。可惜民國90年左右因三元街拓寬道路,拆掉市集及屋舍,購買者漸往國興市場移動,龍口市場也日益沒落。 「龍口」的由來,當初是因為在今植物園一帶,有臺灣原住民族平埔族「龍匣社」,晚到的漢人在社外、形成漢庄聚落「龍匣口庄」。「龍匣」是平埔族聚落,「龍匣口」...
Nos graines de chanvre viennent de la France voisine et maintenant de Genève également. Nous avons un lien étroit avec nos fournisseurs et chaque printemps nous le rendons visite afin de maintenir une...
Brooklyn Grange promotes sustainable urban living by building green spaces, hosting educational programming and events, and widening access to locally grown produce in New York City communities. 2 roo...
Grown as part of a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) mission. Produce is distributed to locals on Shelter Island.
Au cours des ateliers participatifs qui ont précédé la construction de l’écoquartier des Vergers, l’idée de la promotion d’une boucle alimentaire intitulée « de la fourche à la fourchette » a émergé c...
This is a terrific resource for food rescue - 20,000 meals a week from produce & ingredients were procured on their way to the compost bin. The quality & richness of the dishes served here is ...
"A farmers market meets the internet for convenient year-round shopping at the Cow-op. We are a non-profit farmer and food processor co-operative with an online marketplace of locally grown and harves...
Bankhead Farm, near Crombie and Cairneyhill, sells fruit, vegetables and beef. Seasonal Opening - Telephone: 01383 880 006.
Project delivered by Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere This project will support local people to identify and celebrate the various qualities that make their part of the Biosphere unique...
Givanilson Frutas is a local food trade, with a good variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as spices, grains, dried herbs and others natural products. The place is managed by a local family, they ...
Feira Central, it's one of the biggest fairs of Campina Grande. From there you can get to many other places in the city, and find a big variety of products and services, from organic fruits and vegeta...