Ballast Bank Community Centre, Preston Crescent, Inverkeithing KY11 1DS - Community
Open to all - choose from the fresh, frozen, bakery, tinned & dried food +
Kincardine Community Centre runs a Food Waste reduction project in partnership with Fareshare and other contributors eg Kincardine Co Op offering fresh and tinned produce. Open Tuesday 5.30pm - 7.30pm...
A bag of mixed fresh and store cupboard food, call to arrange a time slot. Open Tuesday 1pm-3pm. Contact Katherine Pearson, Lauren Cruickshank - Lauren.Cruickshank@fife.gov.uk
Horta comunitária
High Valleyfield Community Pantry, £2 per bag surplus food, Tuesday 2-4, Wednesday & Saturday 10-3.
Fresh fruit and veg, tins and other every day foods made up in a bag. Minimum £3 donation, Thursdays from 12pm, finishes when food is gone. It goes quickly. Contact 01383 602344.
Fresh fruit and veg, tins and other every day foods. Thursday 11.30am - 2pm, contact Jayne Clouston secretaryblairhallcc@gmail.com or call 01383 602342.
Community Pantry committed to Reducing Food waste Touch Community Centre, 30 Mercer Place, Dunfermline, KY11 4UG. Held every Thursday, register on a Wednesday by calling 07730809375. You will be given...