This is the map for the Friends of Bowker Creek and Peninsula Streams Society '1000 Rain Gardens' mapping project!
1000 Rain Gardens
Yarrow grasses
Yarrow bushes tree
Grasses bushes
Rushes Yarrow thistle
Yarrow rushes trees
Rushes and grasses and alder trees
Native plants, Yarrow
Mostly Yarrow and rosebushes
Mostly SalAl
Reid grasses maple Salal
Grasses salal yarrow
Grasses sword ferns, salal
Sal grasses or grape sumac
Sumac Yarrow, Sal, Oregon grape Swordfern
Birch, pine, Oregon grape
Birds, pine, elderberry, western red cedar, heavenly bamboo,bunchgrass, salal
Birch, white rose
Birch, bunch grass
Birch, bushgrass
Bunch grass, birch
White rose, Birch, hedge
Birch, bunch grass, thistle, white roses
Meadowsweet, birch