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Want to contribute a site suggestion to a Green Map project?

Scroll down and see if there is a Campaign for it. This quick survey can be used with any kind of device. Each time a new place is suggested, the Mapmaker is notified so they can review and publish this new data.

Welcome to the "Mapping Our Green Spaces" survey! This initiative aims to create a comprehensive map of all the gardens in our community. By participating, you'll help us celebrate our local green spaces and promote environmental awareness and sustainability.

Share your local farm, food and climate-smart spots. Let's create a FarmNYC Green Map together - see it at

Please help highlight 🍏 local food, 🔄 reuse, 🤝 sharing, 🛠️ repairing and ♻️ recycling resources across the Borders!

Significant Trees

They are often focal points in a community and old friends from childhood. While there are projects to record veteran and champion trees, we think any tree can be significant to someone and is worthy of recording and celebration. That’s why, in collaboration UCC BEES, we have established a Significant Tree recording scheme that will allow people to record significant trees in their communities. Significant Trees can be old, unusual species, connected to local folklore, beautiful, or simply a tree you love.

Add your suggestions to this Spring 2024 project! View the map at

This year Dunoon Goes POP is working with Dunoon Burgh Hall to make 150 bottles  of commemorative ‘Rhubob and Bryden’ soft drink syrup to help celebrate  150 years of Dunoon Burgh Hall.

The Local Place Plan considers issues that will impact on the town and the people who live here including - how we move around the area, where we shop, how we look after green spaces, where the houses we need are built, access to services,  and how we need to adapt the design spaces and places to cope with our changing climate.

We welcome help updating this Green Map! 

Welcome to the Community Wellbeing and Climate Resilience Map of Tipperary!

Les sites liés à l'eau racontés par les élèves des Classes d'eau. 

Climate Action Fife wants to celebrate where fruit trees have been planted in Fife, as part of the Fruit Tree for Every Garden in Fife campaign. 

Victoria Third Spaces

New paragraph

Climate Action Fife would like to celebrate where communities have carried out tree planting in their area and highlight opportunities for further planting of trees and hedges across Fife.   

Dunoon Community Development Trust is diving into local research to understand the ins and outs of how we move around our town using active travel like cycling, walking, and wheeling. It's all part of our project, "Out and about in Dunoon," and we need your insights!

Climate Action Fife would like to highlight trees, woods and forests that are special to communities in Fife.  This can be anything from a special tree on your street to a wooded area you like walk in. 

UVic SDG Map

This campaign compiles UVic faculty projects related to the UN's sustainable development goals. It was created by the UVic Map Shop ( in collaboration with CIFAL.

CRD Community Vision

We'd like to collect urban nature sounds that characterize Berlin's natural life. Please help us find interesting places for sound recording! Here are the places and sounds we collected so far on the Berlin Sound Map.

Chácara da Baronesa

Mapeamento do parque e da comunidade da Chácara da Baronesa

Map where you can access local or organic food in Kirkcaldy.

Share your favourite green place to visit in Kirkcaldy, whether it's to walk, to grow, to take in the view, on a bench, a place to meditate, to hug a tree or just to be!

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