Green Map Icons
Welcome! Green Map Icons, version 3 are available for mapping and more - all to help you and your community thrive and become a healthier and more sustainable place! Now available under the Creative C...
SDGs - the Sustainable Development Goals
The United Nations has created 17 SDGs - the Sustainable Development Goals. See them below and use them on this platform to to chart the signs of progress toward the SDGs in your town. Find more in...
Recovery Icons by Green Map
2020 Recovery Icons, designed to be used as people start returning to public life in the Covid era, point out places where you can distance safely, enjoy nature nearby, support local business and help...
Local Food
Supporting locally grown food and the transition to sustainable agriculture and healthy, seasonal foods, this icon set is ideal for promoting community wellbeing and food security. As we are finalizin...
Chance Brothers Lighthouses
This is our new icon set designed to be used in Chance Heritage Trust projects.
Activitati Ceata
Set de simboluri dedicat strict ilustrarii activitatilor Cetei de-a lungul timpului
test icon set
Map making is often a collaborative process. To be able to work with others on a map, the platform work is team-based. - create a new teamIf you make the map on your own, you will be the only one in t...
Dunoon area biodiversity icons
A set of icons to use to map biodiversity in the Dunoon and wider Cowal area.
1000 Rain Gardens
These icons are designed by Michelle Watt. They are for the purpose of identifying rain gardens, bioswales and curb cuts.