High Rock Park


High Rock Park is noted for its quiet ponds and deep woods. The park has been recognized as a National Environmental Education Landmark. High Rock Park contains five ponds and various wetlands, including Walker Pond and Loosestrife Swamp. There are also six walking trails, along which visitors can see stands of red maples, high bush blueberries, and patches of skunk cabbage. Wood ducks, Great blue herons, and muskrats all make their homes here along with hawks, owls, migrating colorful warblers, woodpeckers, frogs and turtles.

#grenbelt #park.statenisland

NYC Energy

Featuring climate smart energy choices and energy efficiency projects all across NYC! We were originally inspired to map energy in NYC by the Great Northeast Blackout of 2003, and published our first printed map on the topic in 2006. A continually evolving process, this new Open Green Map includes the best of the sites as of 2013. Want to help us add more to it?  Click Suggest a Site at the top!


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