Stromness Museum is an independent museum maintained and managed by a committee of volunteers elected from the members of the Orkney Natural History Society Museum SCIO.
It is one of Scotland's oldest independent museums, dating back to 1837 and the formation of the Orkney Natural History Society. On 20th May 2014 the trust changed its status and became a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation).
Our Mission Statement & Status:The Stromness Museum exists to promote natural science, to preserve local history and to offer an enjoyable educational and informative experience to as large a range of people as possible.
How did you or your group get involved in climate change? We ran a series of Climate Cafes in early 2022 to engage our local community with climate change. We are developing environmental tours which cover climate issues and we also developed some school workshop material to do with climate change.
What are you or your group hoping to achieve? We would like the museum to become an anchor organisation within our community for climate change.
Why do you wish to join NH&I Climate Hub? For networking opportunities and education/learning, gaining more knowledge.
What area(s) of the Highlands & Islands do you cover? Orkney