The objectives of the charity are:
For the benefit of the public and in particular, the community resident in the neighbourhoods of Diabaig, Wester Alligin, Alligin, Fasaig and Annat.
(a) To advance education and health, to provide recreational facilities, or organise recreational activities, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended.
(b) To advance citizenship or community development
(c) To advance environmental protection or improvement
The main method the Torridon District Community Association (TDCA) uses to deliver its objectives is the management of the Loch Torridon Community Centre (LTCC), the Association is also a key partner in the Torridon and Kinlochewe Community Development Plan. The TDCA has recently employed a Development Officer to help to take forward the actions in the Community Development Plan some of which are focused on active travel, waste management and the protection and improvement of the natural environment. The full development plan can be found here.
TDCA are thrilled that they have registered their Local Place Plan, supported by members of the Torridon and Kinlochewe Community Council. The TDCA would welcome any support that could be offered in the implementation of the development plan.