Visible WASTE


These bins are used to sort the Island's waste collection. You will find a bin for trash, a bin for compost, and a bin for recycling (metal, glass, plastic & beverage containers). You will see these bins throughout the island, and make sure properly sort. 

Note: Governors Island is a Zero Waste Island. This means all food vendor serviceware, food and kitchen scraps, and landscaping cleanup waste are all compostable. With the help of Earth Matter, Governors Island lives by that mission. See more info on Earth Matters work -

New York Harbor School Marine Affairs students will engage with partners to map Governors Island and its Climate Engagement. Students will create a Green Maps of Governors Islands' Relationship to SDGs - the Sustainable Development Goals, climate education, climate change vulnerabilities, innovation approaches to climate solutions, and bring waste to the visible eye. These maps will aid in students engaging in their community, displaying incorrectness and education to the public during climate week. Student-led and student-created. This will be something that will live and evolve each climate week as our city and world revolve around emerging climate issues. This student will swing back to update and evaluate our local and global progress. 


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