Go Golspie Development Trust covers KW10 benefitting the whole community regardless of age/background.
Our purposes are:
• Advancement of citizenship/community development (including rural/urban regeneration)
• Relief of poverty
• Provision of recreational facilities
Current services/projects include Transport (minibus, electric car, accredited MiDAS training), Community Food, Playparks, Flood Defence and refurbishing/running two community buildings.
We became involved with the Highlands & Islands Climate Hub through our climate action work with Flood Defense in Golspie including the film Climate Action Highlands and Islands. Earlier this year we were also asked to take on Community Food in Golspie to help address food poverty and food waste and so are now particularly interested in developing growing initiatives and climate action activities around that. We already run an electric car and have community buildings heated by renewables. We are happy to do all we can to be more involved in climate action in the Highlands & Islands.