Projet phare de la législature 2020-25, Cœur de cité vise à requalifier d'ici 2029 le centre-ville de Meyrin, soit le périmètre autour de la Place des Cinq-Continents. Ceci afin que s’y développe une ...
La mairie de Meyrin propose une large gamme de services destinés à faciliter la vie des citoyens et à soutenir le développement de la commune. Voici un résumé des principaux services offerts : 1. Admi...
The South Plainfield Public Library strives to contribute to the quality of life for every resident in the borough by being a center for life-long learning and a place for community interaction. Its m...
This firehouse is one of Monroe Township's historic schoolhouses that had served as a DPW garage, as well as Fire District #3 Headquarters, for many years.
Government building for public works in the Jamesburg and Monroe Township area.
In July 2022, Haywards Heath Town Council were the first Town Council in Europe to endorse the Plant Based Treaty. The Treaty is an international initiative to tackle the key driver of the climate eme...
Recreation & Sports Complex
Borough Offices
Municipal Court
Police Station
This tall office tower is a renewably powered government building. While primarily being considered a green building, this government building is also home to a newly landscaped and designed public pl...
Muzeul costumelor populare din România
Hawthorne Municipal Building and Police Station Plaques by Boro Hall read: "Honor Roll Borough of Hawthorne 1917 World Ware 1919" "Operation Silent Witness to Honor Veterans of World War II. Dedicated...
Hawthorne Post Office
Sediul administrativ al Primăriei și Consiliului Local mun. Bacău.
Palatul Administrativ - sediul al Prefecturii si Consiliului Judetean Bacau
Monument istoric - cod 04B0018, anul 1891, arhitect Filip Xenopol
United Nations HQ (10%) and Secretary General's residence (100%) are wind powered. The 38-story Secretariat Building has east-west walls fully covered with thermopane glass, which is designed to absor...
United Nations HQ (10%) and Secretary General's residence (100%) are wind powered. The 38-story Secretariat Building has east-west walls fully covered with thermopane glass, which is designed to absor...
Kew Forest installed a solar thermal heater of 30 evacuated tubes in January 2009. The generator has a annual output
85,000 BTUs per day. #FireStation
Mercury Solar Systems installed a 10 kW PV system in May 2009. #GovernmentOffice
Kew Forest installed a 30 evacuated tube solar thermal system in June 2010. The system is estimated to generate 120,000 BTU per day.
institutie publica - are ca obiect de activitate controlul traficului aerian #directiaregionaladecontroltraficaerian
Institutie publica
Orar: L-J: 7.30-15.30, V: 7.30-13.00. #casadeasiguraridesanatatecluj
Institutie publica #Cluj #inspectiasanitaradestat
Institutie publica #cameradecomertsiindustrie #Cluj