Liceul teoretic sanitar Bistrița
Adultes ou enfants, la ludothèque vous propose des jeux à emprunter gratuitement ou à venir tester sur place. Ces prestations sont gratuites et ouvertes à tous. Ludothè...
L’Association a pour but de promouvoir et de protéger la qualité de la vie des habitants de Meyrin, notamment : AHVM - Association des Habitants de la Ville de MeyrinPlace des Cinq Continents 1 - Case...
loc de joacă pentru copii situat pe str 1 Decembrie bl. 2 - bl. 4. dotat cu un complex tobogan, 4 leagăne și alte echipamente, plus 4 bănci
FR: La finalité de l’action de prévention du Contact Club est d’aider les jeunes à devenir des adultes autonomes et des citoyens responsables. Notre association se donne pour but d’être un repère...
This new community garden was established in early 2024 on site of an old garden, established on derelict land once occupied by housing. Thisd garden includes raised beds (including wheelchair accessi...
Campbeltown Putting Green is operated by SKDT under licence from Argyll & Bute Council. It is normally open during the summer months (Mar - Sept) and is much loved by locals and visitors alike. Al...
Community sports club that strives to make sport accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Find them at or contact them at 0141 339 3606 or
Ignite are the only dedicated multi-artform arts organisation based in the Knightswood area of Glasgow. They want to ensure that everyone regardless of age, background and circumstances can benefit fr...
As a community-led group, LINKES was started by and is governed by local people to provide opportunities for learning and well-being. For more information, visit or contact them at&n...
Community anchor organisation providing multi-use space to individuals and groups, and delivering services in partnership with the Yoker community. Find them on: - Facebook: https://www.facebook....
As part of the the community sports club BSC, Peterson Park Hall is home to local Dance, Drama and Fitness groups. It was closed down during COVID as they repaired and refurbished the community hall, ...
Community Centre offering a wide range of activities and opportunities to join groups with varied interests. Contact details: - Website: - Phone: 0141 959 9419 ...
Community development centre that provides services & activities to improve the quality of life at Kingsway. Contact details: - Website: - Email:
Modern youth service which offers safe spaces and supports young people aged 8-26. Operates in Yoker, Scotstoun and Whiteinch Visit their website at and their Faceb...
Peer-led health initiative that supports & assists members of the community. You can visit their website at and their Facebook at
Clyde Primary opened in 2017 and shares a Campus with St. Brendan’s Primary and Yokerburn Nursery. Contact details: - Website: - Twi...
1 block from Ave C between East 7th and East 10th is the historic and always convivial Tompkins Square Park. Amazing music & community scene here. The Viele Map (1867) reveals the extent of the sa...
台灣第一座植物園 日治時期,日本人於1896年創建「台北苗圃」及母樹園,1921年正式更名為「台北植物園」,是台灣第一座植物園,1945年二次大戰結束後由林業試驗所接管。歷經百餘年歷史,佔地約8.2公頃的台北植物園,劃分成裸子植物、蕨類植物、植物分類園、民族植物、水生植物、荷花池…等各式主題展示區,收集植物種類超過2,000種,是台灣地區植物研究教學的重要場域。 台北植物園周邊區域曾是古台北湖的遺...
中正區共12個鄰里公園,原1622平方公尺。於民國74年興建,原名「永寬公園」。79年永寬里、永昌里合併為「永昌里」,93年經許金雄里長更名為「永昌公園」。以茂盛的樹蔭與磨石子溜滑梯聞名。110年將進行遊具改造,成為特色遊具公園。 民國90年公園旁原定的「漳州市場預定地」變更為公園用地。民國111年開始執行地上戶拆遷,並進行2次公園擴建說明會。擴建後永昌公園面積達3872平方公尺,增設融合在地人文...
民國44年興建為稅捐稽徵處員工宿舍(206坪),民國105年陳玟如里長尋求民代協助,經多場會勘後,拆除廢棄屋舍改為綠地。107年新增彩色壁畫-萬新鐵路路線圖,故取名為「萬新綠地」。 縱貫鐵路新店線行駛自萬華到新店,又稱「萬新鐵路」,民國10年開始營運。設有:堀江、馬場町(和平)、螢橋、古亭、水源地、公館、十五分(萬隆)、景美、二十張、大坪林、公學校、七張、新店等站,全長10.7公里。起初原是一條產...