En la Ciénaga Grande de Magangué, surgen conflictos hidrosociales debido a la contaminación del agua por vertimientos provenientes de fuentes domésticas, industriales, agrícolas y pecuarias. Además, l...
FR: Sans limites géographiques, et après un première saison effectuée en 2017 sur la corniche varoise, Mer Veille concentre maintenant ces activités sur et autour de la rade de Marseille et son ...
Great spot to catch the last of the sun during the winter. Also a great swimming hole. It used to have a 40ft diving board where people would watch you dive into the buoyant, brackish water.
Floating dock you can swim to from the other dock.
Great place for swimming and to see the sunset.
Access point to swimming in the Gorge.
In addition to my great-grandfather having worked a hard-knock life as a "coal-humper" (FBM on the map), my grandfather also worked at the same company. After work, they would go here for a refreshing...
Swim spot, walk spot. This should be connected all the way through to bottom of Washington Street.
Kastrup Søbad byder på bemærkelsesværdigt skøn svømning - en strandpromenade fra stranden fører dig ud til en cirkulær træstruktur med siddepladser rundt om et havvandsbassin.Kastrup Søbad is offers r...
Great for swimming.
Fiskerihavnen er det mest fantastiske skjulte lille samfund, placeret få kilometer fra københavns centrum. En lille landsby af hjemmebyggede containerhuse, skurvogne og lignede, hvori der udelukkende ...
En skøn lille perle af en forladt fiskerihavn, der både byder på skøn badning, flotte tegn på et gammelt industrielt københavn, café, mm. Ydermere er der mulighed for at opleve en vild biodiversi...
There is something for everyone; from the wading pool and splash pad for our toddlers to the water slides and climbing features as well as all of our ADA features to assist those in need to enter and ...
The Y is a great place for fitness and health. This one even offers a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program! There has been an energy audit and a comprehensive retrofit is underway. There are ...
Faber Park
Located on what once was the first lead pencil factory in the United States, Faber Park is now being renovated as a centerpiece of community engagement in the Port Richmond neighborhood. Th...
This 10-acre property located on Wagaraw Road is Hawthorne's primary recreation complex. The property contains an outdoor swimming pool, tennis courts, Boro Bandshell, baseball/softball field, a pass...
This park is the perfect bird watching site. Head out to Crooke’s Point and scan the Atlantic Ocean for wintering sea ducks or walk over to the Great Kills Harbor and watch for long tailed ducks. This...
The Y is a great place for fitness and health. This one even offers a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program! There has been an energy audit and a comprehensive retrofit is underway. There are ...
Dotat cu piscina. #centrulaquina #Cluj
Strand pentru recreere si petrecere timp liber.
Are in componenta: terenuri tenis (3) / bazin inot descoperit (10 m)/ teren handbal cu zgura, teren volei, sauna, arena popice cu 4 piste si tribuna, s...
Este administrat de Regia Autonoma a Domeniului Public (RADP). Strandul dispune de bazine de innot, o masa de tenis de masa, un teren de fotbal si un teren de tenis de camp. Exista in interiorul stra...
Centru de initiere innot, polo etc.
Orar: L-V: 6.00 - 16.00; 18.00 - 22.00, S-D: 7.00-19.00 #bazindeinot #Cluj