Kintyre Rainforest Alliance - Facebook Save Kintyre's Temperate Rainforest Survey - Discover and Protect Kintyre's Hidden Gem Reclaim Kintyre's Rainforest: Mapping Rhododendron Invasion Scottish rainf...
位於詔安街260巷內,原為菸酒公賣局的廢棄宿舍,面積約為86坪。陳玟如里長自民國99年起,整合市府及社區資源,於100年先將其改建為「厝邊花園」。104年時,呼應柯文哲市長大力推動的「田園城市」政策,因此在工務局公園路燈工程管理處的指導協助下,再度進行修整,終於成為現今的「歡喜菜園」。 菜園採開放式管理,約20位社區熱心人士進行有機耕種,透過親自動手的方式來加強對社區土地的認同感。一般居民及行經的...
Food bank
for pets run by Canine Campus Rescue. Collects & distributes to pets
in need of additional food support in Scotland, collecting food treats
& bedding for rescue dogs & dogs wh...
Deux espèces animales, la poule huppée d’Appenzell et la chèvre bottée, habitent ce lieu. Une présence qui s'inscrit dans la politique de préservation des races d'animaux de rente et des plantes ...
As part of a service project, we spread mulch throughout a section of a trail in order to cover exposed roots and even the path. This creates a safer trail.
Located on the southern portion of the Mashomack Preserve. Contains various insects, seagulls, rocks, and sand all present along the trail.
Based in Rutherglen on the outskirts of Glasgow, we are a charity whose aims are to grow our community. We are currently developing 3 disused bowling greens into a community garden and have growing ar...
At Bring Back the Bay at Sylvester Manor Farm, we saw a tank with many fish and crabs. We learned about the biodiversity on the island.
We kayaked through a salt marsh on the coast of the preserve. We saw an osprey nesting site.
along a dirt trail in the woods that leads to grasslands and a natural beach
There is a swan resting in wetlands. At this location, there is a man-made bridge with freshwater on one side, and a salt marsh on the other. The preserve is considering removing the land bridge, as i...
Trail to marshy grasslands that connects to a natural beach. Many small organisms present on the beach.
Piping Plovers nesting habitat. Nature Conservancy owns rights to the water out to about 200ft. Erosion has caused lack of access by vehicles to the point.
Le marais de Mategnin est l’une des rares zones humides du canton, située le long de la chaîne du Jura. Reconnu d’importance nationale pour la reproduction des batraciens, ce marais regorge d’autres r...
Department of Environmental Conservation recommends the shells be cleansed for up to 12 months
Monday 21.10 14:00-17:00 יום ב' 21.10 י"ט תשרי Gazelle Valley Park - פארק עמק הצבאים A variety of activities for the whole family: tutorials, workshops, games and more. מגוון פעילויות לכל המ...
Tuesday 22.10 14:00-17:00 יום ג' 22.10 כ' תשרי Gazelle Valley Park - פארק עמק הצבאים A variety of activities for the whole family: tutorials, workshops, games and more. מגוון פעילויות לכל המ...
Governors Island is a migration zone for many different species of birds. This promotes environmental education, increases biodiversity, and helps the ecosystem regulate itself.
Governor's Island has many benefits, especially regarding nature and mental health. Governor's Island is calm and beautiful because it's isolated from Manhattan, with abundant ecosystem services...
Parque Estadual com uma ocupação.
Water feature replenished with rainwater collected from
Roof of Nature House