This new community garden was established in early 2024 on site of an old garden, established on derelict land once occupied by housing. Thisd garden includes raised beds (including wheelchair accessi...
Grow Food Grow Dunoon is a project of Dunoon Community Development Trust. They are a group of people who came together because they wanted to grow their own food, not in a private allotment or garden,...
This is an "edible food forest" - a unique food growing spot! Lots of experience and produce come from this site! It's epic! See more about the resources shared at bronxriver.org/about/foodway (p...
I'm not a member but I am welcome to join the weekly potluck, which is a wonderful tradition! So many people are fed by this prolific garden. It's kind to all, including many recent newcomers seeking ...
Solstice Family Farm is located on 33 acres on the beautiful Olympic Peninsula. We are a homestead style farm, where we not only grow vegetables, fruit, eggs and meat for market, but obtain much of wh...
Raised beds with vegetable gardens to provide food and habitat for pollinator species.