The Stove is an arts organisation with a national and international reputation in place-based practice. We are a values-led organisation founded on a central belief in the power of creativity and working co-creatively to improve the lives of people, the wider environment, and the systems by which we live in the region Southwest Scotland The Stove can be understood as a place-based creative movement or practice guided by a set of values. It’s organisational form and programme are constantly evolving to maximise the quality of output and effective impacts for people and the wider environment.
Since our establishment as an artist collective in 2011, The Stove has continued to grow innovative mechanisms around itself, these support creativity to remain the core principle of directing everything we do. We define The Stove’s practice as creative placemaking – imagining and facilitating opportunities for high-quality creative practice to work co-creatively with communities to develop individual and collective outcomes for people and places. Simultaneously, creative placemaking supports the development and sustainability of the regional creative sector as a fundamental building block in the future of our region.
Any contemporary strategy must be considered in the context of climate change. The long-term sustainability and purpose of The Stove relies on the organisation being useful to communities and the creative sector as they transition towards Net Zero. We understand that the resources to support future cultural activity will spring from circular economies and local supply chains developed through Community Wealth Building and centralised support for a Wellbeing Economy We aim to take a lead in our communities and to build capacity and infrastructure for culture to be a valued part of our region’s future.
Address: 100 High Street, Dumfries, DG1 2BJ